A few questions, why can't I be rich? Who will help me with Christmas? What's wrong with asking for help?
2005-12-16 22:24:42 UTC
A few questions, why can't I be rich? Who will help me with Christmas? What's wrong with asking for help?
Four answers:
2005-12-16 22:32:59 UTC
you can be rich if all in your own has but the real question is what is rich to you. money dos not always make you happy there is nothing wrong with asking for help it all up to you whick what you will do with it after you get it
2005-12-24 04:30:04 UTC
Many studies have shown that the number one characteristic of persons who are impoverished is: ignorance. If a person would like to increase their prosperity, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that education, even later in life, almost ALWAYS leads to an increase in wealth and success. Give the people you love the best Christmas present in the world: An education for yourself. When you educate yourself, you'll be in a better position to provide for you and those you love. There are many ways to advance the education you may already have...there are grants, loans, and many different ways to do so.
2005-12-17 06:30:00 UTC

1. why not???

nobdy is born successful... success and wealth is earned

2. yourself

you can never expect help all the time. you will have to be creative to meeting goals and making ends meet. and help comes from yourself first and foremost, but then, if others offer help, it is always nice to accept it.

3. there is nothing wrong with asking for help

you just have to strive hard in continually looking for persons and entities to ask help from.
2005-12-17 06:29:38 UTC
for guy below...

money, wealth + success are earned.... have you seen our president... ofcourse you can be born into wealth... The real wealth of this world.. people are born into it... passed down from one generation to the next... those with wealth have power and those with power get wealthier... and thus pass down their wealth to their children and grand children....

where dat lotto ticket at...

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.