does the mail go out faster if you mail at the post office or from a satalite office?
2006-01-16 23:05:28 UTC
does the mail go out faster if you mail at the post office or from a satalite office?
Three answers:
2006-01-16 23:24:02 UTC
In my experience it will get to the destination faster if you mail it at the Post Office.

I mailed a letter Express Mail (2 day mail) to my daughter from a satellite office. I mailed it after the "pick-up" on Monday, the letter was not picked up until 4:30 the next afternoon (Tuesday) and it didn't get to her for another 2 days after that. So it took from Monday until Friday to get to her. I have mailed at the Post Office and it gets there in 2 days.
2006-01-16 23:42:29 UTC
The thing to look for is last pickup, which is printed on the mail boxes. If the last pickup is 5:30 PM, and you put the mail in at 6:00 PM, it's going to sit there until at least the morning, and possibly later, if they only do one pickup a day at that mailbox.

I can't say I've ever noticed a difference between mail time that isn't because of pickup times.
2006-01-16 23:48:33 UTC
As long as you mail it at a satelite before the last pickup of the day, it will be taken to the main post office and be sent out that night with all the rest.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.