Who Is Going Shopping Tomorrow: Dec-26-2005 In All That Madness?
Cranky Old Goat
2005-12-25 15:38:31 UTC
Who Is Going Shopping Tomorrow: Dec-26-2005 In All That Madness?
Five answers:
2005-12-25 15:39:16 UTC
Not me becaue I hate the mall and all stores to begin with. Tomorrow is going to be pandamonium.
innocence faded
2005-12-25 18:42:50 UTC
Definitely not me. I have no patience for waiting in all those lines.

I really feel sorry for those that work retail, and have to listen to the complaints of people returning unwanted gifts.
2005-12-25 15:42:47 UTC
I hope not to. But being that I am a shopaholic and can smell a deal a mile away, I probably will. And regret it too, I bet.
2005-12-25 15:55:36 UTC
pray for me as I work in a department store in a mall! :(
2005-12-25 16:10:37 UTC
no, i hate shopping on a normal day...

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