can my x boss bill vennta of eagle lawncare, cut my pay ,fire me and leave me on the side of the road 30miles?
2006-01-07 11:26:02 UTC
i stay near the regency mall and he left me standed at duval ther something legal i can do about that?besides kick his ***
Two answers:
2006-01-08 13:53:00 UTC
I would suggest call or go to see a lawyer for consultation. Usually the first consultation with the lawyer is free so ask them in advance. Don't pay, it's waste of money, but check it out, go see a lawyer that specializes in the employment
2006-01-07 11:39:19 UTC
Apparently he can because he did. Whether or not you have legal recourse, that is another story. You need to check with an attorney that deals with issues in the workplace. Look in your yellow pages and call a couple they usually give you a free initial consultation.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.