where can i see someone criminal backround for free using their social security number?
2005-12-13 21:03:48 UTC
where can i see someone criminal backround for free using their social security number?
Three answers:
2005-12-13 21:38:12 UTC
acutually you can,with a license of course, i am the manager at my father and mothers reposession company, and we have websites that pull everything from criminal to financial, it costs though, i am not sure of any free sites but it is perfectly legal with a license.
2005-12-14 21:54:42 UTC
if you go to and look under people search they have a link to a web site called intellus and you can get it there but it cost like $10.00 or something. (nosey)
2005-12-14 05:10:06 UTC
You can't legally do that on the internet.

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